Wednesday, May 6, 2009

9 Month Pediatrician Visit

Annika is as healthy as a horse. She's 27 3/4 inches tall and weighs 17.4 pounds. She's totally average on her height and head size, but weighs less than 3/4 of the baby girls her age. We're allowed to start giving her eggs, cheese, and yogurt now.
She got another flu shot and only cried until Kelly picked her up, but we had to get her finger pricked to get her iron level tested and she cried for a long time over that one. We haven't heard anything back from that test, so her iron level is fine.
It always makes me smile when nurses and technicians that work with children every day stop and tell us that our baby is beautiful.
We have Anni's one year appointment and then we'll be in Portland and will have to find another pediatrician.

1 comment:

A said...

We have an Annika Ellen too! 3/4 of babies weigh more than she does. She loves dogs too. How funny!