Saturday, February 9, 2008

Growing Up

Last week, after the Minnesota thing fell apart and all of our W2's finally came, Kelly and I made a decision. We aren't starving college student(s) anymore, so it's time we stopped living like it.

We moved the furniture around, so we actually have a dining room and a living room where they ought to be. The couch and table we had belonged to Kelly's brother. We just happened to be cheaper than a storage shed. Those were the first to go. As of today, we have our own dining room table, that will seat more than two people comfortablely, a couch, in a color that we like and actually matches the house, and a coordinated armchair.

During the coming months we're going to start getting the second bedroom ready for the baby. Kelly wants to build a dresser/changing table and a crib.

I've started looking for more career oriented jobs. The one I'm the most hopeful for is a gardens supervisor at Thanksgiving Point. I've got the education for it, and a good chunk of horticultural experience, the only problem I foresee is that I have no management experience except for supervising Bryan at the farm and I don't speak Spanish. The Spanish thing wasn't a requirement, just "extremely helpful." I'm going to start learning it once Kelly loads up the Rosetta Stone thing that Ross gave us.
This is going to be a year of change for us, that's for sure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey guys love your new furniture, isn't it so fun to have stuff of your own that you got to pick out.
Aunt Natalie