Saturday, July 11, 2009

Oregon or Bust

It's official. We will be moving to Portland, Oregon during the first week of August. There have been a lot of mixed feelings about us leaving among the family, but we really feel like this is the best thing for us. The school offered Kelly a few grants and we got the financing to go, so we are going to jump on the opportunity. The longer we push it back, the less likely we'd be to go at all.
Kelly is so excited, I'm really nervous. I've never lived farther from my parent's than Logan.
It's going to be an adventure and we're ready to get started!


The Hendrys said...

We all fear the unknown, I just hope everything works out for you. It seems so sudden as it has been on again and off again. We only wish you the best, of couse you know that. It is a big decision and one I am sure you made carefully. Sometime you just have to grab the brass ring.

Mande Browning said...

I know the feeling (of moving away from home and being uncertain) Just trust your gut. I know I've posted this before...but if you need to just get away for a little bit, you need to head up to the Japanese Garden. It's right up your alley and trust'll be rejuvanated!