Monday, August 18, 2008


Yesterday, Kelly's nieces, Isabelle and Jasmine, came to see Annika. Jasmine is 7 and Isabelle is 5. It's amazing that in a few short years Anni is going to be that big and that much trouble. The girls just loved her and were so excited to finally get to see her.
Grandma LeAnn and Grandpa Brent were pretty happy to see her too.
I let the girls play in the kitchen while they were here. I suppose we could have actually made something, but they were having a good time mixing random spices in a bowl and adding water to see what came out. I'd forgotten how messy little kids can be. It cleaned up easy enough, and they had fun, so it was worth losing a bit of sugar, flour, and spices we don't use much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah I can tell you are and will continue to be a wonderful mom just by the way you are with Kelly's nieces.
oxoxo Aunt Natalie