Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Let the Sun Shine In

Now that some nice weather is finally rolling around I've been able to take Annika outside to play. She loves it. Going for walks are one of her favorite things. I was the same at her age. My mom kept a calendar of my first year with all my milestones and various interesting things. It's pretty cool. She worked part time and kept really good track of things. Anni rolled a lot earlier than I did, but that could be because Mom never put me down.
I got both my bottom teeth at the same time, just before I turned 5 months old. My two top ones came in at the same time too, at 7 months. By 8 months I had 5 teeth. I was sick quite a bit, but overall a good baby.
I crawled just after I turned 10 months old and got into EVERYTHING. The quote from mom was: "What happens when you walk? Heaven help us!!"
At 11 months my first word was "kitty" followed by "ouch" 2 weeks later. I would sing and hum with the radio too. At 12 months I'd walk between 2 people, but wouldn't try it alone. I started to walk at 13 and half months and started to run a week later.
On Sunday I went and visited one of my best friends from High School and Junior High, Sharlott. She had a little girl about 3 weeks ago. Skye is just tiny. She was a bit over 5 lbs when she was born and is somewhere around 6 and a half pounds now. I was afraid to hold her, I thought I was going to break her. Anni was never that small, even when she was brand new.
She's a sweet baby and Anni was pretty enthralled with her. She got upset when Skye started to cry and jabbered at her, I assume to tell her it was okay. It's going to be a lot of fun when all these little angels are old enough to start playing together.

1 comment:

*~*Linz*~* said...

How fun that your mom kept a calendar! What a great idea!!!