Monday, October 12, 2009

Horrible Luck

After the misadventure with my car, I figured things had to start getting better. Nope!
I was working out in the garden center last night, when I heard the unmistakable crunch of two cars colliding. I thought, "Oh, that sucks. I wonder who got hit. Probably just some customers."
A few minutes later Josh came out and asked me if I drove a truck with Utah plates. He then told me that MY truck had been the one that got hit. She was 16, driving her grandpa's Mercedes. She thought her foot was on the brake, but was on the gas. When she mounted the curb she panicked and must have pushed harder on it because she not only went over the curb, but also 6 feet of sidewalk, then hit my truck and knocked it a good foot or two. Josh told her she was lucky because she'd hit the car of the nicest person in the store, which was sweet of him. Poor girl, if she's have hit the car next to mine it would have been the biggest jerk in the store.
The insurance company is paying a repair shop to pick up the truck in the morning and for Enterprise to get a rental to us tomorrow too. This mess should be cleared up pretty quickly, thankfully.
The top picture is my truck, obviously, and the bottom one is the front of her grandpa's Mercedes.

1 comment:

The Hendrys said...

Nice you are getting it fixed so quickly. Now if you could get something done with the Geo, life would be good.
I bet it cost a lot more of fix that little ding in the Mercedes than you truck. I can see Grandpa wanting his little grand daughter in a safe car.