Tuesday, July 21, 2009

1 Year Old!

It's been a busy day. Anni's first birthday is today and Kelly had to have surgery on his knee. The surgery went well, he's just fine now. He has to use crutches for a few days, so Lesa is here to help with Anni. After we turn in the crutches he'll be hobbling around with a limp for a week or so, then he should be 100% again.

Lesa, Anni, and I visited Grandma Sonia while Kelly was in surgery. She had a birthday cupcake for Annika. She licked at the frosting, but mostly just threw it on the floor.I just can't believe how quickly the year has gone by. She was so tiny and barely filled a corner of her bed, now she's a moose and can almost stretch from one end to the other. She could barely lift her head and now is almost walking. She changes everyday, and we just fall in love with her more and more with every change.

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