Thursday, January 10, 2008

"If you talk again, I'm going to eat you!"

The morning sickness seems to have finally passed, and has been replaced with an insatiable appetite. One drawer in my desk at work is filled with nothing but food: popcorn, rice cakes, tomato soup, fruit cups, crackers, granola bars, and so on. I graze all day, but am always starving again 20 minutes later. I'm so used to getting sick if my stomach gets empty, that I panic every time my belly growls. Also, no doubt due to my eating habits moreso than my little cinnamon bear, I only have one pair of pants that fit comfortably. I have to wear skirts to work everyday because my dress pants won't zip. Today I used a rubber band around the button to keep them up, which worked well enough, but just made me feel fat more than anything else. Anyway, I'm going to post an update of how the first official OB visit went on the baby page tomorrow or Saturday, and will post the ultrasound then.


The Hendrys said...

I am surprised I can still remember this but when I was pregnant with Uncle Tommy, I craved Strawberry Shakes and Avocados, and I couldn't get enough of them. He weighed in at 8lb 8.5 ozs, and my after baby weight was less than before I got pregnant, go figure.

Unknown said...

They had soem really funny shirts for pregnant women at Downeast Outfitters when i was pregnant. You should go see if they still have them

Unknown said...

By the way this is megan and ryan left himself signed in on one of his gmail accounts.