Anna is 4 full months old. She's also sick at the moment. She had a fever of 101.5 on Wednesday night, but it broke after a few hours and she's been sitting at 99.1, which is pretty normal for her, ever since. She's got a stuffy nose and a little cough, so do I for that matter, and it's making both of us cranky.
She's supposed to start giggling regularly and get more and more interactive this upcoming month. We'll probably be able to start giving her rice cereal after her appointment on Monday. We're going to have to come up with a high chair before too much longer. She's starting to sit up a little bit. If we sit her up and let go she can balance for a second or two, sometimes. She can sit for several minutes if she's balancing herself by holding onto our hands.
She definitely recognizes Kelly, Grandma Sonia, and me and is all smiles when she see one of us, assuming she's not cranky. She looks for sounds, especially voices, and is starting to join in on conversations. She's taking an interest in toys, so we're going to need more of those! Her favorite plaything is still her hands. She'll look at them, suck on them, and will play with them for longer than anything else. She's not terribly particular about whose hands she's sucking on. Mine and Kelly's fingers regularly get grabbed and stuffed in her mouth. Basically everything she manages to grab gets put in her mouth.
Grandma had a bad day yesterday, and a worst night, so I know how little Anna was feeling. Pretty crummy, Glad she has her doctor appointment Monday so she can get her ears checked out. It seems with little one all that congestion settles in their ears.
You would never think you could catch something for those little baby sneeze's, and you are right she does recognize voices, she gets all excited when she hears Kelly. Maybe she feels she is getting rescued, Gram and Gramps are pretty protective.
What darling pictures!! Kiss that little face off.
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