Saturday, September 1, 2007

I hate being sick

I've been feeling icky for a few days and stayed home from work yesterday in an attempt to sleep it off, but of course didn't ever get a chance to sleep because I ended up running errands. Last night I crashed around 10 while Kelly watched TV, and didn't actually get up until about 3pm this afternoon. I feel a little better, but am still stuffed up. I don't recommend sleeping for that long all at once. My whole body hurt when I woke up, whether is was from being sick or sleeping that long, I don't know. I did manage to put both my arms to sleep somewhere in the process. That was wierd. We found these shower tablets at Walmart during cold season last year that work really well to clear out you sinuses, they're called "shower soothers." I'm gonna go lay back down now.


Anonymous said...

Guess I am going to have to learn how to do this blogging thing so i don't have to sign in as the anonymous Granny. Sorry to hear you are feeling crummy, hope it is not they rabbit....

Granny Sonia

Ryan and Megan said...

I hope we see you on monday still. it sounds like we are going to hang out in plain city and i have been begging running to put the trampoline up!!!! <3 so get better asap addie wants to see her aunt and uncle!