Monday, March 10, 2008

Hello Ogden!

I am gainfully employed! When the new Lowe's in Ogden (kind of across from the Walmart in Harrisville) opens, I will be more or less the nursery manager. I have a different title, but I can't think of what it is. I bonus off of the department sales, I'll have benefits, and I don't really have to manage anyone. Just the plants. I've got orientation on Wednesday and then a big lawn and garden conference on Friday. They're planning on doing my training at the Logan store until we get closer to the Ogden store's grand opening in May. Happily, that gives Kelly some more time at Big Horn (he wishes he didn't have to leave) and us more time to find a nice apartment. By the way, we're moving to Ogden, for those of you who didn't know that or didn't catch that from the previous statement.

I told my bosses at Hyclone today that I had another job and would be leaving. Which made me very happy. They were very supportive and not at all annoyed. I won't have an official training start date until Wednesday, but I know Hyclone will work with whenever it turns out to be. I haven't really enjoyed this job in the least bit, but they've been good to work for. I feel bad for the women in my department there. They're so far behind and the one person they hired isn't going to pick up the slack anywhere near enough.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel!


The Ryans said...

Way to go Sarah Jean I'm so proud of you. Now I can come buy my bedding plants from Lowe's - you of course.

The Ryans said...

Oh and it will be fun to have you closer to home...we can do more girls outings :)

The Hendrys said...

Yeah!!! Glad to hear you are coming home. I am sure Kelly will be able to find something here, and I know you will enjoy your job and they will love you. Things always work out if you give them a chance.

Love ya!